Behind the scenes at STUDY 34...

Fashion isn't glamorous, entrepreneurs on film, knitwear at Alexandra Palace

Fashion isn't glamorous, entrepreneurs on film, knitwear at Alexandra Palace

For anyone who thinks running a fashion label is glamorous

There was no way around it, March was always going to be a process-heavy month. For the most part I’ve been reviewing sales forecasts and cash flows, mapping supply chains and making sure I’m on track with production timescales… Exhausting but very important to keep on top of these things! Pass the message on to anyone who thinks running a clothing label is glamorous…

But, just when I was on the brink of despair, some beautiful samples arrived from Incalpaca in Peru! Things were looking up. And I’ve been wearing them day in day out (perks of the job) to road test them for you. This is a really important phase of making clothes, because only by wearing them and carrying out normal daily activities will I truly know: that the fit works on the body as I had envisaged; that the garment drapes nicely and is comfortable to wear; that the style is versatile enough in terms of styling it with different things; and that it’s easy to wear and wash etc. It’s a time consuming process but essential and always worth that time. I learnt this while working for other brands and witnessing the consequences for those who both did and did not see the value of this process!

After wearing, washing and evaluating, minor adjustments have been made to the shapes and the second samples are due to arrive in the next few weeks. I’m always thinking about what’s most useful and versatile for you, so these new styles will come in classic neutral shades and will be a nice mid weight fabric, able to take you through nearly all the seasons in comfort.

Hidden entrepreneurs on film 

STUDY 34 Traidcraft Hidden Entrepreneur

In other news, STUDY 34 is very proud to be an ambassador of Traidcraft UK’s Hidden Entrepreneur Campaign (mentioned back in January). I was thrilled to have Traidcraft in the studio to record for their latest video, which was released earlier this month. Check it out here.

STUDY 34 at Alexandra Palace

Country Living Spring Fair Alexandra Palace STUDY 34 knitwear

I’m excited to say I’ll be exhibiting STUDY 34 knitwear at Country Living’s Pop-up Market at Alexandra Palace on Friday 27th April. Please come along if you can.

Women. Fashion. Power

women fashion power centre for sustainable fashion

And finally, I’m passing on one of my favourite articles from this month, which comes from the Centre for Sustainable Fashion (part of the London College of Fashion): Women. Fashion. Power.

Until next month,


p.s. Sign up to my new mailing list here to stay up to date with what’s happening at STUDY 34. Otherwise from May onwards, following the introduction of new GDPR regulations I will no longer be able to send you any news!

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Apr 30, 2018

Hi Ali – thank so much for watching the video! I’ll get in touch with you via email about the Fash Rev events!


Eleanor O'Neill
Apr 30, 2018

Hi Ellie, just watched the video…
and looking at the dates for the Country Living fair… wondering if you’ll have time to pop in to the Fashion Revolution events that Po-Zu are running at the Truman Brewery?
Ali x

Ali Clifford

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