A round up of the best articles from November helping you discover more about responsible fashion...
Just Fix It: How Nike Learned to Embrace Sustainability
Kate Abnett, businessoffashion.com
Not Buying It: Fast Fashion, Lies & Sustainability
Kelsey Halling, sustainablebrands.com
Kering's Self-Imposed Sustainability Credentials
Melissa Twigg, bilionaire.com
Patagonia admits there's a problem with synthetic clothes
Katherine Martinko, treehugger.com
A circular fashion economy is about more than clothes
Lynn Oxborrow, theconversation.com
One chart shows how fast fashion is reshaping the global apparel industry
Marc Bain, qz.com
Black Friday: 'The Planet Can't Handle It Anymore'
Kirsten Brodde, ecowatch.com
There Is A Major Climate Issue Hiding In Your Closet: Fast Fashion
Maxine Bedat & Michael Shank, fastcoexist.com
Jobs Welfare and Austerity: How the destruction of industrial Britain casts a shadow over present-day public finances
Christina Beatty & Chris Fothergill, shu.ac.uk
Why the simple life is not just beautiful, it's necessary
Emrys Westacott, aeon.co