The Wardrobe To Die For
Lucy Siegle
Key points-
Fashion by numbers – key statistics about the fashion industry
Fashion has changed massively in the last 20 years (including luxury brands) as speed and the micro trend prevail
Fast fashion has democratised fashion, but at whose expense?
You Are What You Wear
Christina Dean
Key points-
Clothes are one of the most polluting consumer goods on the planet
Overconsumption and landfill
The consumer holds significant power in reducing pollution in the fashion industry
How To Engage With Ethical Fashion
Clara Vuletich
Key points
Whose responsibility is it to ensure ethical treatment in the fashion industry?
Understanding consumer behaviour is the key to encouraging change
The fashion lifecycle and designing for circularity
Sustainable fashion is ultimately about values
Fashion and Technology:
From Frivolity To Sustainability
Rachel Arthur
Key points
Fashion, film, technology and the future
Wearable technology, textile innovation and smart clothing
Biomimicry and the materials revolution
The High Cost Of Our Cheap Fashion
Maxine Bedat
Key points
How did fast fashion come about?
The rise of polyester in fashion
Citizen consumer, these are the things you can do to make a difference
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